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PhD in Art Science, Associate Professor |
Personal information
Born on 08.04.1969 in Kyiv.
1984-1988 – Piano Department of the Ivano-Frankivsk State Music College named after D. Sichynsky (class of Professor E. Stoyka)
1988-1993 – Piano Faculty of the Lviv State Higher Music Institute named after M. Lysenko (class of Associate Professor B. Tikhoniuk); qualification – piano teacher, accompanist, chamber ensemble soloist, concert performer
1998-2005 – teacher-methodologist, Head of the Piano Department, accompanist of Ivano-Frankivsk Children’s Music School No. 3
2005-2011 – accompanist at the Department of Academic Instrumental Performance of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
2007-2011 – Postgraduate studies at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
2011-2016 – Lecturer at the Department of Musicology and Methods of Music Education of the same university; part-time accompanist at the Department of Folk Instruments and Music Folklore
In 2011, she defended her PhD thesis on “Modern trends in the formation of Ukrainian piano repertoire for children (late twentieth – early twenty-first century)”, speciality 17.00.01 – Musical Art (supervisor – Candidate of Arts, Professor V. Dutchak).
From 2017 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting.
In 2022, she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting.
Research interests: innovations in Music Pedagogy and Piano Methodology; history of Piano Art (composing, performing, teaching); Ukrainian Music Art; Music Therapy Practices; Trauma-Informed Art.
In 2019, she successfully passed the English language exam (Advanced level – C1) and received an internationally recognised certificate Aptis.
- trainer of the Academy of Innovative Development of Education;
- regular participant of intensive workshops and trainings from the Ukrainian and world’s leading Orff teachers and creative music educators – Tetiana Chernous, Kateryna Zavalko (Ukraine), Lenka Pospisilova (Czech Republic), Kees Kull (Netherlands), Charles Raszl (Brazil), etc.;
passed certied music therapy courses from the European Music Therapists (Andreas Wolfl, Karin Schumacher (Germany), Shirley Salmon (Austria);
- participant of the Art Therapy Force project – the coordinator of the training course of Prof. Nigel Osborne (Great Britain) in Ivano-Frankivsk.
Since 2024, as part of the Art Therapy Force project, in collaboration with Nigel Osborne, she has been conducting an elective course “Art and War: Pedagogy and Practice”: lectures and practical classes for students of the speciality 014.13 Secondary Education (Musical Arts) with children with Down syndrome and from internally displaced families.
She teaches academic disciplines:
“Profile Instrument Piano”(individual) – bachelors of I-IV years, masters;
“Concertmaster Class” (individual) – masters;
“Instrumental Performance of Ukraine” (lectures and practical classes) – 1st year masters;
“Methods of teaching the Profile Instrument Piano” (lectures and practical classes) – 2nd year masters.
She is author of articles on issues of Music Education, Piano Art and Performance. Participant of national and international conferences. Supervisor of students’ qualification works.
Main scientific publications in international databases and professional journals of category B:
- Karas, L. Romaniuk, I. Novosiadla, L. Obukh, Zh. Zvarychuk. Introduction of innovative technologies in the study of music dysciplines in higher educational institutions of Ukraine (2021). Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, v. 25, n. esp. 3, p. 1618-1634, set. 2021. Web of Science
- Novosiadla I. (2008). Modern principles of formation of children’s pedagogical repertoire in Ukrainian piano art. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Art History: a collection of scientific articles. Issues XII-XIII. p.p. 109- 115.
- Novosiadla I. (2009) Piano repertoire for children in the works of Ukrainian composers abroad: scientific, educational and didactic-cognitive aspect. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Art History: a collection of scientific articles. Issues XV-XVI. p.p. 115- 124.
- Novosiadla I. (2010). Cycles of piano pieces for children in the works of contemporary Ukrainian composers: artistic and figurative aspect. Art historical notes: a collection of scientific works of the National Academy of Arts and Culture of Ukraine. Kyiv: Millennium, 2010. p. 81-89.
- Novosiadla I. The use of works by contemporary Ukrainian composers for children and youth in the piano training of future music teachers. Youth and the market. №5 (184). Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2020. p.p. 99 – 105. URL: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4634.2020.223080
- Novosiadla I.S. (2021). Integrative approach in the musical education of schoolchildren (on the example of studying piano works by Ukrainian composers). Scientific Notes of the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. Issue 197. Kropyvnytskyi, 2021. p.p. 138 – 143. URL: https://doi.org/10.36550/2415-7988-2021-1-197-138-143
- Novosiadla, I. (2023). Psychophysiological factors of effective development of piano technique of future music teachers. Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Series “Pedagogy and Psychology”, 9(1), 47-58. URL: https://doi.org/10.52534/msu-pp1.2023.47
Articles in international journals and collective editions:
- Novosiadla I., Dutchak V. (2014) Collections of carols of Ukrainian Galician composers as examples of the repertoire of home amateur music-making. MUSICA GALICIANA. vol. XIV. Rzeszów, 2014. p.p. 296 – 304.[in Polish]
- Novosiadla I. (2015). Fedir Yakymenko: a portrait of the artist in the mirror of the era. Musical Ukrainian Studies: European Context: a collective monograph / ed. L. Oparyk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V. P., 2015. p.p. 112-123.
- Novosiadla I. (2015). Children’s piano competitions and festivals in Ukraine: priorities, development trends. Musical Ukrainian Studies: European Context: a collective monograph / ed. L. Oparyk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V. P., 2015. С. 262-272.
- Novosiadla I. Piano works of Ukrainian diaspora composers: genre-style, educational and personal aspects / Dutchak, V., Karas’, H., Dundiak, I., Kozinchuk, V., Kukuruza, N., Novosiadla, I., … O. (2020). Art Spiritual Dimensions of Ukrainian Diaspora: Collective Scientific Monograph. V. Dutchak (ed.). Dallas, USA: Primedia eLaunch LLC.. pp. 113–146. URL: https://doi.org/10.36074/art-sdoud.2020.chapter-6
Educational and methodical activity
- Sheet music publications and teaching guides and recommendations:
- Novosiadla I. (2007). Musical sketches (methodological recommendations)
/ Vitaliy Manyk. Musical sketches. Collection of piano pieces for children. Study guide / [edited by I. Novosyadla]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Tretiak I.Y. publisher, 2007. C. 5 – 10.
- Novosiadla I. (2012) “Christ is born” (Christmas carols) for piano by Denys Sichynskyi: methodological recommendations // “Christ is born!” Carols for Christmas. Arranged for piano by Denys Sichynskyi: A musical training edition. Compiled and prepared for publication by Violetta Dutchak and Iryna Novosiadla. Ivano-Frankivsk: V. Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2012. С. 6-7.
- Novosiadla I. (2009) Music given to children: introduction to the collection and methodological recommendations // Vasyl Bezkorovainyi. Pieces on Ukrainian themes for piano for four hands. Simferopol: State Enterprise ‘Publishing House “Tavria”, 2009. C. 4 – 9.
- Novosiadla I.S., Kalmuchyn-Dranchuk T.A. (2014). Piano ensemble: a teaching and methodological manual. Ivano-Frankivsk: Simyk Publishing House, 2014. 32 с.
- Novosiadla I.S. (2014). Piano repertoire for children: teaching and methodological complex of a special course. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. 32 с.
- Novosiadla I. (2016). History of the formation of the Ukrainian piano pedagogical repertoire: a study guide. Ivano-Frankivsk: entrepreneur Maidanchuk I.I., 2016. 96 с.
- Novosiadla I.S. (2017). Fundamentals of the formation of professional skills in the concertmaster class: methodological recommendations for the organisation of students’ independent work. Ivano-Frankivsk: Yaryna, 2017. 28 с.
- Novosiadla I.S. (2017). Methodology of teaching a special instrument (piano) in a Higher Educational Institution: methodological recommendations for organising students’ independent work. Ivano-Frankivsk: Yaryna, 2017. 28 с.
- Novosiadla I. (2020). Vasyl Bezkorovainyi – son of the Ukrainian people: an introductory article // Vasyl Bezkorovainyi. Works for piano. A study guide in two volumes; [music ed. by I. Novosyadla]. Kyiv: Musical Ukraine, 2020.
ІІ. Сoaching activities
She regularly conducts lectures and practical classes for teachers of primary art schools at the Institute of Professional Education and Lifelong Career of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
III. Creative activity: participation of students of the class in lectures and concerts of piano music:
“Pearls of Ukrainian Piano Music” (20-25.11.2013, Kolomyia Children’s Music School No. 2; Tysmenytsia Children’s Art School named after Y. Kniahynytskyi; Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Philharmonic)
“Musical portrait of the genius (on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of S.Rachmaninoff)” (2.12.2013, Institute of Arts);
“The poetic world of piano music by Fedir Yakymenko and Yakiv Stepovyi” (14.12.2014, Museum of Arts of the Carpathian region);
“Pearls of the Keyboard Era (to the 330th anniversary of J. S. Bach)” (30.04.2015, Institute of Arts);
Graduation concert of the master student Lesia Vitovska (27.05.2015, Bohorodchany Children’s Music School);
Lecture-concert, dedicated to the 260th anniversary of W.A. Mozart (21.04.2016, Institute of Arts);
Lecture-concert dedicated to the 140th anniversary of S. Bortkevych – with the participation of students Y. Pryjdun, R. Kuzmuk, N. Chervinska, N. Maryshko (28.03.2017 – regional piano teacher training courses; 3.04.2017 – Tysmenytsia Children’s Art School named after Y. Kniahynytskyi; 21.04.2017 – Chortkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical College);
Graduation concert by student Nadiya Chervinska (11.05.2017, Tlumach Children’s Music School).
Graduation concert of the master student Yulia Bachynska (07.12.2018, Tlumach Children’s Music School).
Workshop for teachers of art schools of the region on the topic “Individual approach in the musical education of a piano student” (with my students A. Vorokh, M. Hryniv, K. Povadyuk – II year, N. Stetsko, V. Atamaniuk – III year) (27.03.2019, Ivano-Frankivsk Music School No. 2 named after V. Barvinsky, advanced training courses);
Graduation concert of master student Sofia Trufan (15.12.2019, Institute of Arts)
Graduation concert of the student Oleh Velychko (13.06.2023, Institute of Arts)
“Echo of the Soul”, a musical and poetic evening: with the participation of students of my class – T. Matsiuk, I. Holinej, N. Konovalova, M. Korol, K. Momot, L. Kolbukh (26.11.24, Kalush Professional College of Culture and Arts; 2.12.2024, Institute of Arts).