Tetiana Maskovych



Candidate of Arts,

Associate Professor


TETIANA MASKOVYCH – Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting, academic adviser of the student group majoring in Musical Art.


Born on 31 August 1980 in Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

1986 – took her first steps towards musical art at Kalush Music School No. 1, violin class (teacher L. Vorobets).

1995-1999 – studying at the Kalush State College of Culture (class of Y. Dziubanovych), specialising in Choral Singing; speciality – folk art, which she successfully completed, receiving a diploma with honours (qualification – choir director, organiser of cultural and leisure activities, teacher of specialised disciplines).

1999-2004 – studied at the Institute of Culture and Arts (now the Institute of Arts) of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, specialising in Musical Art, specialising in Choral Conducting (class of associate Professor Zh. Zvarychuk), qualifying as a choir conductor, choir artist, music teacher.

Since 1995, she has been a member of the «NAMYSTO» – Folk Vocal Ensemble (directed by H. Martynenko). The group has been a frequent participant in international and national competitions and festivals. Particularly significant for the «beads» was the creation of the «PTASHENYATA» club, a space for gifted children with hearing and speech impairments (based at the Kalush Specialised Boarding School for Children of I-III grades No. 2 of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council). Together with the Bavarian Red Cross and the «LECHFELDER STUBENMUSI» (head of E. Gundlach) instrumental ensemble, through a series of charity concerts in the Bavarian lands, we were able to raise funds to purchase hearing aids for the club’s pupils (participants) to enable them to hear not only the world of music, but the sounds of everyday life in general.

2000 – to this day, an artist of the choir of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine «Elegia» (directors – Y. Serhaniuk and L. Serhaniuk).

2002-2003 – artist of the choir of the State Hutsul Song and Dance Ensemble.

Since 2008, she has been the choirmaster of the youth church choir «AXIOS» of the Archdiocesan and Metropolitan Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ of the UGCC (founded and directed by B. Pavlus, later by R. Pukaliak).  The choir is a regular participant in many international festivals and spiritual pilgrimages in Ukraine and abroad, namely: Poland, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, and Spain. At the invitation of the clergy, he accompanied the celebrations on the occasion of the blessing of the restored Hagia Sophia in Rome, provided choral accompaniment to a part of the Bishops’ Divine Liturgy in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, and had separate performances in the concert programme of Ukrainian sacred music in honour of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in the ancient Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angel.

2011 – began her academic career at the university as a lecturer at the V. Yizhak Department of Choral Conducting;

2018 – Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

2012 – Candidate of Arts degree at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, speciality 17.00.03 – Musical Art.

In 2018, she defended her dissertation on the topic «Choral Creativity of H. Havrylets in the tendency of the «New Sacredness» in the speciality 17.00.01 – Musical Art at the Specialised Academic Council of the A. V. Nezhdanova Odesa National Music Academy (thesis supervisor, professor L. Serhaniuk).

In 2019, she completed an international internship at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) (Republic of Poland), where she gained valuable experience and knowledge in the field of scientific musicological research, and got acquainted with European approaches to various methods of teaching music disciplines by Polish colleagues.

2020 – by the decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

2018-2022 – local manager of the international technical assistance project of the European Union «Invisible Heritage: Exchange and Implementation of Best Practices on Access to Culture for the Visually Impaired», within the framework of the cross-border cooperation programme Poland – Belarus – Ukraine 2014-2020, which was exemplarily implemented. Subsequently, this project became the only representative from Ukraine in the top five finalists in the Social and Inclusive Europe category in the prestigious REGIOSTARS competition organised by the European Commission.

She is a member of the organising committee of the All-Ukrainian Student Competition of Choral Conductors and All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conferences organised by the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting.

Member of the organising committee of the Ukrainian stage of the International competition for the production of tactile illustrated books for visually impaired children «TYPHLO &TACTUS 2024».


Research interests include Ukrainian sacred music and its transformational processes in the cultural and artistic context, therapeutic practices, in particular music therapy and its impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person. He also studies the issues of inclusion and the role of music in creating a special space that will promote self-expression, emotional development and social adaptation in general.