Romana Dudyk

Dudyk Romana

Candidate of Arts,

Doctor of Philosophy

Head of the Academic Women’s Choir of the Institute of Arts


Dudyk Romana – Candidate of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting, Head of the Academic Women’s Choir of the Institute of Arts. She defended her dissertation ‘Choral Culture of Prykarpattia in the Late Nineteenth and First Third of the Twentieth Century’ in the speciality 17.00.03 ‘Musical Art’ (2000). In her dissertation research, based on a wide range of archival and local lore material, she highlighted the processes of formation and development of the choral art of Prykarpattia in the context of national cultural processes, and outlined the specifics of the ethno-regional features of the song and choral culture of the region, in the formation of which such distinctive areas as Hutsul, Pokuttya, Boikivshchyna, and Opillya contributed.

She is successfully engaged in scientific, scientific and methodological, educational and educational work. She supervises master’s and postgraduate students. He is the author of numerous scientific and educational works on the history of choral art and the problems of conductor psychology. Participant of national and international scientific conferences. Since 2004, she has been a member of the Bishop’s Chamber Choir ‘Credo’ of the Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Ivano-Frankivsk.